Differences of the Theory of Mind (TOM) in Children who stutter

Document Type : Original Article


1 Speech Therapy Dept., Rehabilitation Sciences, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, Zahedan,Iran.

2 Speech therapy, Rehabilitation Sciences, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, Zahedan, Iran


Introduction: This research aimed to compare the Theory of Mind (TOM) ability in stuttering pre- school children and their normal peers and also to investigate the effect of the TOM on the stuttering severity of children that was studied in a case-control study.

Methods: The participants included pre- school children (girls and boys) who stutter and normal peers in Zahedan city. The age of children in the both groups was 6 year-old (Mean:6±0.2). Sixteen Persian language children who stutter (CWS) in a convenient sampling method with a minimum of six months of stuttering were selected. Eighteen normal peers homogeneous in terms of demographic variables were selected as a control group. To collect data, Theory of mind questionnaire was used that its validity and reliability was reported by Qumrani et al (2005).

Results: The data was analyzed by ANOVA. Results showed that the CWS received more scores than the normal children in the Theory of Mind test, and there was a significant difference between the two groups (P <0.0001).

Conclusions: Findings of the current study showed that the stuttering children considered and interpreted the stimuli in a different way than the normal peers.


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