Comparison of postural stability in chronic low back pain and healthy individuals with Biodex stability system

Document Type : Original Article


1 null

2 physical therapy, rehabilitation, ahvaz jundishapour university of medical science, ahvaz iran

3 physical therapy

4 muscloskeletal rehabilitation

5 physical therapy, rehabilitation, Jundishapur university of medical science, Ahvaz, Iran

6 Department of Statistics and Epidemiology


BACKGROUND:Low back pain (LBP) is one of the most common and costly musculoskeletal complaints in today’s societies, affecting up to 80% of the population at least one episode during their lifetime. Balance and postural control is considered as an essential requirement for physical and daily activities.

METHOD: Biodex system is an applicational tool for measurement of dynamic balance and postural stability. In this study twenty _four patients with low back pain (age: 33.42 ± 9.73, BMI: 25.82 ±1.92) matched with twenty _four healthy persons(age: 32.08 ± 8.73years, BMI: 25.16±1.99). postural stability indices(OSI,MLSI,APSI) was measured with biodex system during standing on one leg.
Result: According to the present study results, significant difference was seen only between standard deviation of overall stability and mediolateral stability indexes(p<0.05). Showed that healthy patients had better dynamic balance than patient with chronic nonspecific low back pain.
Conclusion: Differences in balance control in frontal position may be due to activity of hip abductor muscles during standing on one leg of course gluteus medius is powerful stabilizer of pelvic girdle in frontal plane. In other hand according to past researches, weakness of this muscles in patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain is prevalence.May be this weakness is the cause of difference in frontal plane.


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