The Effect of Patellar Taping on Balance in Patients with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Physiotherapy School of Rehabilitation, Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Science, Ahvaz, Iran.


Background and Objective: Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) is the most common knee disorder. Reduced proprioception, pain and changes in muscle activity patterns have been observed in PFPS. These variables have an effect on the ability to maintain the balance. So it is possible that balance be weaker in PFPS. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of patellar taping on balance in patients with PFPS and healthy people.
Subjects and Methods: This study was performed on two groups of 15 women with PFPS and healthy by non-probability convenient sampling method. The ability to maintain of balance was measured with use of clinical functional balance tests (Balance and Reach, Anteromedial Lunge, Unilateral Squat, Step down) under tape and no-tape conditions on involved leg of patient and matching leg in control group.
Results: Relative to healthy population, patients with PFPS demonstrated significant decreased in mean repetitions of all functional balance tests (P<0/001). Patellar taping produced a significant increased in mean repetitions of three functional balance tests (Balance and Reach, Anteromedial Lunge, Unilateral Squat) in all of participants (P<0/001). No different significant between patient and control groups in step down test.
Conclusion: The results of our investigation demonstrated that, in comparison with healthy subjects, patients with PFPS had poorly balance. Patellar taping is effective in improvement of balance in patients with PFPS.


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