Following Survey of Myocardial Capillary Density and Plasma Level of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Interval Training between Male and Female Rats

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student of Exercise Physiology

2 M.Sc of Exercise Physiology

3 University of Applied Sciences Lordegan, Lordegan, Iran.


Background and Objective: Exercise can lead to angiogensis and development of capillary network. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of interval training on plasma level of vascular endotheliom growth factor (VEGF) and myocardial capillary density in male and femal rats.  
Subjects and Methods: Sixty male and female rats with same average Age and weight were selected for investigation. Plasma VEGF Level was measured by special kit by ELIZA method before and after exercise training. Cardiac tissue was extracted for measuring capillary density in myocardium by immonohistochemical technique
Results: No significant differences were found between the baseline of VEGF level and myocardial capillary density in male and female rats. Following 8 weeks physical development there were no significant differences between VEGF level and myocardial capillary density in sham and control groups. Whereas level of VEGF and myocardial capillary density increased significantly following interval training, but no significant differences between male and female rats in training groups.
Conclusion: According to the finding of the present study interval training is equally effective in increasing VEGF level in both sexes leading to improved angiogenesis in rat myocardial.


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