Evaluation the level of knowledge and attitude of the Medical personnel and Patient Companions Referred to Ibn Sina Hospital in the Use of ECT to Treatment Patients with Major Depression in Bandar Abbas

Document Type : Original Article


1 Bandar Abbas School of Medical Sciences, Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences, Bandar Abbas, Iran.

2 Department of Emergency Medicine, Bandar Abbas School of Medical Sciences, Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences, Bandar Abbas, Iran.


< p >Introduction: The attitude and knowledge of the personnel and the companions are effective in using electroconvulsive to treatment patients with severe depression and it can have positive and negative effects on the treatment of these patients.

Aim: the aim was to evaluation and assessment the knowledge and attitude of companions and personnel in the use of electroconvulsive in the treatment of patients with major depression in Bandar Abbas.

Method: The present study was an evaluation study in which the study population was selected from the personnel and companions referred to Ibn Sina Center . 187 people from the companions and 56 people from the personnel of this center were selected as available samples and they completed a standard questionnaire with high reliability in relation to attitude and knowledge in the field. Data were analyzed using SPSS statistical software and independent t-test, one-way analysis of variance and correlation of chi-square test.

Results: The level of knowledge of the companions and personnel was not significantly different from each other, and more than half of the companions and more than 60% of the personnel were moderately aware of electroshock therapy. More than 70% of companions and more than 95% of personnel had a positive attitude towards electroconvulsive and the attitude of the personnel was significantly better than that of the companions.

Conclusion: Because of the importance of knowledge and attitude of personnel and companions in improving the process of electroconvulsive treatment, continuous education and notification are essential to raising people''s knowledge and attitude.


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