Improving self-efficacy in Type II diabetes mellitus with educational technology: multimedia or video‒teach-back educational techniques

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Management, Tehran Medical Sciences Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


Background and aim: Due to the chronic nature of the disease, patients with diabetes need training to take care of themselves and increase self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is a person's confidence in the ability to perform self-care behaviors in specific situations. With increasing awareness, patients' self-efficacy has increased, which significantly reduces the complications of the disease. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare the effect of two educational methods of multimedia and video-feedback on the self-efficacy of diabetic patients.
Materials and methods: In this semi-experimental study, 75patients with Type II diabetes mellitus were selected using the simple sampling technique and were subsequently divided into three groups. In the multimedia group, the subjects were given a CD and in the video‒teach-back group, the subjects received training for four 1hour sessions. The control group did not receive any intervention. Data were analyzed before intervention and three months after intervention using DMSES (Diabetes Management Self-Efficacy Scale) was determined.
Results: The results showed that there was no significant difference between the pre-intervention patients' self-efficacy scores in the three groups (P> 0.05), but there was a significant difference between the self-efficacy scores after intervention in the two groups compared to the control group. (p < 0/01). The results showed that the effectiveness of both educational methods on self-efficacy in diabetic patients was the same (P= 0.302).
Conclusion: Use of multimedia and video‒teach-back educational techniques improved self-efficacy for patients with Type II diabetes mellitus. Given the cost-effectiveness of both these techniques, they can be used for diabetic patients


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