The Effectiveness of Cognitive- Behavioral Stress Management Training on Job Burnout of Female Nurses in Some Medical Hospitals of Ahwaz by Controlling Rotation Time

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Psychology, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Iran.


Background and Objective: The present study investigated the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral stress management training (CBSM) on three aspects of burnout (emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal accomplishment), in female nurses. The population of this study consisted of all expert female nurses in Golestan, Razi and Abuzar hospitals.
Subjects and Methods: The research method was semi experimental with pre-, post-test and control group. 233 Nurses complited the Maslash Burnout Inventory (MBI). Then, 30 nurses who were one standard deviation above the mean in MBI were randomly selected. These subjects with paired single-married randomly divided into two groups as experimental and control (n=15 in each group). The experimental group received 9 sessions of cognitive-behavioral stress management (CBSM) training, but the control group did not receive any intervention.
Results: The results of MANCOVA indicated that CBSM significantly decreased depersonalization and increased personal accomplishment but did not decrease the emotional exhaustion in experimental group compared with pre-test and control group (P<0/001). These results were significantly persisted after one month period of follow up.
Conclusion: CBSM decreased depersonalization and increased personal accomplishment in nurses.


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