Comparison of Attitudes towards suicide and its Prevention in Medical Students before and after the Apprenticeship Course

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Psychiatry.Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran.

2 Thepartement of Fars education,Department of Psychology, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz,Iran.

3 phd student of psychology,Department of Psychology, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz,Iran.


Background and Objective: Doctor patient relationship is directly overshadowed by physician’s attitude toward suicide. This study was aimed to compare the attitudes towards suicide and its prevention in medical students before and after the apprenticeship course.
Subjects and Methods: In this study96 medical students participate (44 before and 50 after apprenticeship course (were selected using the available sampling in University of medical sciences of Ahvaz. A questionnaire on attitudes towards suicide ATTS (Attitudes towards Suicide) was used to measure suicide related attitudes and thoughts. The ATTS items address attitudes, knowledge, and personal beliefs toward suicide and suicide prevention. Also, this questionnaire includes six subscales. Permissiveness, preventability, incomprehensibility, avoidance of talking, unpredictability and loneliness& appeal.
Results: The results showed that medical students who had passed the training course in comparision with students who had not passed; there were no significant difference in subscales of incomprehensibility, avoidance of talking, unpredictability and loneliness& appeal. But there were significant difference in subscales of permissiveness and preventability.
Conclusion: Results showed that the total student views towards prevention of suicide and the relationship with these patients is positive. The views of students who had passed the course is more negative than other groups. Therefore, perhaps, the training in the attitude of students who have passed the course has not a positive effect.


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