Comparison of the Effect of Curcumin and Chlorogenic Acid on the Survival Rate of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Anatomical Sciences, School of Medicine, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia, Iran

2 Medical Student, School of Medicine, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia, Iran



Background and Objectives The present study aimed to determine the effect of curcumin and chlorogenic acid (CGA) on the survival rate of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells. Subjects and Methods Twenty-four male mice were randomly divided into four groups of six: Control, Curcumin, CGA, and Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). Around 10 μmol/L Curcumin was added to the culture medium, and the cells were exposed to curcumin dissolved in DMSO for 48 h. In addition, in the CGA group, this substance was added to the culture medium with a dose of 10 mmol (for 24 h). After isolation, culture, and passage of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs), the cells were trypsinized, and then centrifuged. For cell counting, after mixing 10 μl of culture medium with cells and 10 μl of toluidine blue, the number of live and dead cells was counted.
Results Exposure of stem cells to curcumin for 48 h at a dose of 10 μmol resulted in a significant increase in cell viability compared to the control group. Furthermore, the presence of mesenchymal stem cells with 10 mmol of CGA for 24 h significantly increased cell survival. Statistical analysis revealed a significant difference between the groups of curcumin and CGA in cell survival, and the effect of curcumin was more significant than CGA. Conclusion Comparison of the protective effect of curcumin on mesenchymal stem cells based on statistical analysis showed that the effect of curcumin is much greater than CGA, and a significant difference between these two treatment groups indicates that curcumin is more effective in protecting against death and increasing the live/dead cell ratio.


Main Subjects

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